Hey everyone,
So I'm at a bit of an impasse gaming wise as most games I have been playing lately seem to be falling a bit flat in my opinion. I recently played Gears 2, and although the gameplay was intense amounts of fun, the story left me with a feeling of "A lot of that seemed kinda pointless."
I'm really looking forward to playing the new Silent Hill (as soon as gamefly gets its ass in gear and sends it to me,) as well as (although to a lesser extent) Resident Evil 5. I know, I'm a huge survival horror nerd as well as an even nerdier RPG nut, but I guess for me it all boils down to story.
My two standby's at the moment are Left 4 Dead and Rock Band 2 (drums). I enjoy these games a lot but for the most part they are time wasters to me. I log on to XBL (If anyone wants to play either by all means let me know) and spend an hour or two a week playing these, but they're not the kind of total immersion games I have grown to love.
So I guess in the end what I'm asking is "What are other people out there playing and enjoying?" Seriously, any suggestions? I have a 360, a Wii, and a PS2 (I will probably upgrade when a new Final Fantasy is released... I know... nerd)
Oh hey! Here's an old ass videogame drawing! Haha, I never do fan art so I totally forgot I had it, but hell, it matches the post so here it is.