Hey hey hey! Check it out, there's a sweet new cartoon in the portal!
This sketch is new in many ways, for instance it is the first sketch to feature the voice talents of the entire sketched crew! Second it is the first sketch where you will see artwork other than my own. That's right, Smirk Studios was kind enough to do all of the background artwork for this sketch making it with out a doubt the best looking sketch to date.
In related news, we recently recorded the audio for Smirk's new cartoon Teen Pijinz so keep an eye out for that in the next month or so from him.
That is about it from this side. Now that the new cartoon is finished we are hard at work on the next so until then, I hope you enjoy the newest submission from the Sketched series.
It's hilarious!
BTW in my review, i forget to type, " a person doing..." - " CPR ever IN A FLASH"
sry about that :D
keep up the good work sir!
Hey, you may be right about that... sure it was animated poorly, but it may be a first! Haha.